Are you able to cultivate compassion for all? Even for those who mess up and make mistakes? Even though we can do better, be better, we still mess up and make mistakes. So, 1) let go of judging others, 2) understand that we are all doing the best...

A sense of belonging increases our motivation and wellbeing. It creates a sense of connection and inclusion that can make us feel part of something bigger than ourselves. Here are a few ways to build a sense of belonging for others: - Be open and authentic with...

Just as the commute after work helps you to disconnect from work, in the same way, when you're working from home, do something simple at the end of your work day, something that helps you transition from work to personal time. You could tidy up your...

Comparison can motivate you, but it may also feed your ego and insecurities. So, instead of comparing yourself to others, compare yourself to yourself. Should you compare yourself to who you were or who you want to be? What will enhance your growth?   Until da next Tyme...

Have you done a deep dive into your values recently? Values inform our priorities, choices and behaviour, and add definition to our character. Values can evolve and change over time. So, think about the values that are most important to you, right now, and get clear...

Next time you're eating alone, experiment eating in silence. It may help you quiet your mind and experience more peace. It may also allow you to be more mindful of how much you consume and enjoy your food more. If you enjoy eating in silence, try...

When we're around people we're comfortable with, all too often familiarity sets in. While familiarity has its place, too much familiarity can diminish respect.   So, a) be more aware of familiarity turning into over-familiarity, and  b) maintain respect when you are around people you’re comfortable with.   Until...

Curate a collection of inspirational words and quotes that resonate with you. Turn to these words or quotes once in a while, especially when you're feeling down or having a bad day. Read it in your head or out loud, and see how your mood and...

Often, when we get overwhelmed by life’s challenges, we lose sight of the bigger picture. It's as if we lose sight of the ocean for the waves. Life’s challenges are like waves, they come and go. See the ocean between the waves, and the waves will...

Every now and then, obstacles and challenges come along; be it at work, in your relationships or elsewhere. And even if it seems impossible, rise to the challenge of trying to face and overcome the obstacles.   Rise to the challenge and you may get to...