When you're flying a kite, sometimes you pull on the string and sometimes you let go of the string. Similarly, to get the most out of your mind, sometimes let go and let your mind play, and sometimes pull your attention and direct where your...

If there are ideas and small projects you'd like to make happen but just haven’t found time, try the following: Do something small, something that may seem relatively insignificant. Do this daily or even a few times a week, and it may grow and accumulate into...

When we are emotionally reactive, we are not being our best selves. So, if you want to be less emotionally reactive, here are a few tips: 1) Know your triggers, so that you can catch yourself before you react. 2) Know your emotions, so that you get...

Assign an affirmation or a theme for each day of the week. Today I am light / happy / resilient / heartful / energised / calm / content. Or Motivation Monday, Transformation Tuesday, Wisdom Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, Fearless Friday, Self-Care Saturday, Soulful Sunday. Start each day positively...

Life is full of drama. So, the next time things get dramatic in your life, lighten up and find the humour in the situation, if not, it’ll turn into a melodrama!    Be light and go from melodrama to enjoying the drama of life.   Until da next...

If you find it difficult to have effortless attention for long periods of time, here are 3 ways to help you build your focus: - Take regular short attention breaks. - Mix high focus activity with low focus activity.   - Increase your attention span by doing a...

Like a train, your thoughts take you to various destinations. Where are your thoughts taking you?   When your thoughts stray in the wrong direction or into a negative zone, you can always get off the train! And catch the next train of thought going in...

Words can hurt or comfort. Words can encourage or discourage. Words carry weight and once spoken, they can never be recalled. To make your words count, ‘weigh’ your words before they ‘spill out’ and choose your words carefully.   Until da next Tyme...

We often project an image of ourselves that we want the world to see.  And at the same time, we unconsciously project an image of who we really are. The result is a blurry image; two versions superimposed upon each other that just confuses people...

Contemplate on the idea that: You are more than what you see in the mirror. You are more than the body. You are more than the roles you play. Contemplate this and explore the idea that you are a soul, an innate being that is always...