There’s a story about an oyster that found an irritating grain of sand under its shell. The oyster tried to remove it but couldn't, so, the oyster said, 'If I can’t remove it, I'll try to improve it'.  And as time passed by, the grain...

Where your thoughts flow, your mood follows! Are you aware of how your thoughts affect your mood? Next time you find yourself in a bad mood, try to 1) steer away from any negative thoughts, and 2) think happy thoughts. Happy thoughts, happy mood! If that doesn't work, then...

Every now and then, we all have to eat a slice of humble pie, especially when facing criticism, admitting mistakes, asking for help...

Changing our clothes before going to bed is a simple ritual that helps us to disengage from the day.   To disengage your mind from the day and sleep better, try this simple exercise as you get ready for bed: - Put aside all that is ongoing...

Life's challenges are like house guests, they arrive and at some point they will leave. But you would never let the guests leave with your valuables, would you? In the same way, when challenges leave, don't let them take away your happiness, it’s your most valuable...

Everyone just wants to be heard and understood. So, when people are talking to you, are you giving them your full attention? To help others feel heard and understood, instead of getting distracted or thinking about what you want to say next, give people your full...

Next time you find yourself thinking unproductively, take a moment to gather your thoughts and direct them towards a more productive direction. So, instead of thinking "I have so much to do," think "Where do I want to put my energy?" Instead of thinking, "I don’t...

Find a point of stillness from which you begin and to which you return, every day. Give yourself the space to just be and experience a sense of wellbeing. What or where is your point of stillness? How will you make stillness an important event in...

Before a difficult conversation, prepare not just what and how you want to say something, but why you want to say it. Is it to make others feel better? Or is it because you want to resolve a misunderstanding or share your views? Know your why,...

Just as the river flows through all terrains, never stopping, and never expecting anything to help it flow, in the same way, we too can be like a river, flowing through the twists and turns of life and keep creating a way forward. And just as...