We do a lot of waiting. Waiting at the airport, at the traffic lights, the bus stop, checkout counters...

Give others what you want from them. Whatever it is that you want from others; respect, care, help, forgiveness...

When we look at a lotus flower, we appreciate the beauty and the perfection above the water. If we looked under the water, things are not so perfect. But actually, the imperfect muddy roots are vital in sustaining the lotus flower.   So, 1) understand that...

It always feels good to be included. That's why when we’re left out or not invited, it can sometimes trigger feelings of rejection and hurt. As there's not much we can do about it, we may as well accept the situation and how we feel. But...

Mix meditation and exercise, and you’ll get more out of your exercise routine, and increase your concentration, discipline and enjoyment.   Before you exercise, breathe slowly, breathe deeply and relax all the muscles in your body. As you exercise, be more present to what you are...

To be your best, be free from waste. Whenever you catch yourself wasting your thoughts, time or energy, stop and redirect it towards what’s essential and important to you. Be free from waste and you'll be at your best.   Until da next Tyme...

When little children stumble and fall, they may cry a little, but then they get up and carry on. In the same way, we too have to be persistent like little children. Get over your embarrassment and self-consciousness, and pick yourself up and carry on   Until da...

Misunderstandings often happen because we're not willing to take the time to understand. We become impatient and don't listen properly. And because we simply haven't taken the time to understand, we start making assumptions. Assumptions often lead to misunderstandings. So, make time to understand people better.   Until...

Instead of following the crowd, wear your crown. How? Own your worth, live your truth and celebrate life. Do this and you’ll uplift others and inspire them to wear their crown.   Until da next Tyme...

Instead of being an expert, be an explorer. It may expand your thinking, growth and resilience. Here are a few ways to develop an explorer mindset: - Focus on the positives and the possibilities. - Have a plan but be flexible. Embrace the unknown and adapt. - Browse around...