Watch something in slow motion and you'll notice more details and things you normally wouldn't notice.   If you're living life at a fast pace, every now and then, intentionally slow down to create a slow motion effect. Slow down and you'll relax more, notice more...

Do you think that luck happens by chance? Or can you make your own luck? If you want to make good luck happen: - Be more positive. Think you are lucky, believe it and feel it. - Be open to noticing opportunities and creating possibilities. - Make the...

Whenever you want to enhance your presence, try this meditation exercise: 1) Bring your awareness to your mind and observe what it’s doing. 2) Try not to engage with your thoughts, simply observe and accept. 3) Allow yourself to just be and feel a sense of peace emerging. 4)...

Is what you believe about yourself, helping or hindering you? Challenge the negative assumptions you have about yourself and what you are capable of. Challenge your self-limiting beliefs and turn any unhelpful beliefs into positive, empowering beliefs.   Until da next tyme...

Are you loving yourself or losing yourself? To love yourself, stop comparing yourself to others and start making yourself a priority. Stop feeling crushed by criticism and start looking at yourself in the mirror and say "I love you" to yourself. Love yourself without becoming...

Regret doesn’t get you anywhere, nor does it change what happened. But it’s impossible to avoid regret. Instead of ignoring or wallowing in it, use your regret more wisely. How? Accept your regret and learn from it. Recognise your missteps and what you could have done...

When you finish something, such as a phone call, an online meeting, a conversation, a task, before you start something else, grab a moment to pause, breathe and slow your thoughts. Achieve a quick meditative state and then re-enter the day with a refreshed presence.   Until da...

Is there something that’s making you feel nervous? A project you're afraid to attempt, a truth you need to tell, a reality you must face, a presentation you have to give...

Most of us are very good at focusing on people's weaknesses! Today, challenge yourself to identify the strengths in others; whether they’re your family, friends or colleagues. Focus on people’s strengths rather than their weaknesses and you'll bring out the best in them and leverage their talents...

Pottery, puzzling, photography… The number of hobbies and interests we can engage in are unlimited. But if you’re limiting your interests because you have too many interests and don't have the time, pick one thing and explore it for a few months, and then move...