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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Good morning all, Ever considered that half the problem is the word 'problem' itself?  Frame situations as problems and you make it more difficult to solve the problem. Instead place a positive frame over the problem, and view the situation differently: What is the silver...

Good morning all, Your mood affects others.  It's as contagious as having a cough, cold or flu! The next time you're in a bad mood, become aware of how your mood is impacting those around you.  And then take a moment to change your mood...

Good morning all, Right about now is when most of us are abandoning or forgetting our new year's resolutions. If that's the case, then: 1) Remind yourself of why you made the resolution in the first place. 2) Ask yourself why you're struggling...

Good morning all, When criticism comes your way, overcome the urge to get hurt or defensive. Have self-respect, maintain your self-esteem and remain calm, then you'll be able to learn from the criticism. Until da next Tyme!...

Hi there all, So I am flying BA for the first time in 20 years , it's been a while every since Virgin took their crown and became King of the Skies My journey begins at London Heathrow Terminal 5...

Good morning all, Have you ever seen one of those huge, intricate domino displays? Until each domino is placed in it's own unique position, there is no chance of the display being revealed in its entirety. So, come on, take up your position,...

Good morning all, We tolerate & handle the winter because we know that winter will surely pass.  The same applies to life.  Tough times will come.  Stuff happens. Understand: All things will pass. Think: I can handle & get through whatever I am...

Good morning all, So its 2013 and for all those that made the resolution to lose weight in 2013, let me give you a helping hand :) Use these simple ideas to reach your goals once and for all! Always See Your Goals Goals need attention....