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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Good morning, Take life as it is, full of drama and adventure.  Experience the fun and the excitement, if not, it'll turn into melodrama! So, the next time things get dramatic in your life, add the ingredient of humour and go from feeling...

Good morning all, Some people really "get" you & some just don't!  And that's fine, you might not "get" them either! But do take this opportunity to see if there's something you can improve in yourself. Try to be friendly & get...

Good morning all, If you're cooking for one, do you have trouble motivating yourself to eat well? Don't neglect yourself.  Nurture yourself.  Cook yourself a fast, fresh, healthy meal. If you have time, then why not, treat yourself and make it special. ...

Good morning all, Like an alchemist, transform something worthless into something precious.  The key to alchemy is in your perception. Look for the limitless possibilities that surround you.  See the innate value of everything and turn lead into gold. Focus on the...

Good morning all, Distractions are everywhere.  No matter how much we try, it's almost impossible to get rid of all the distractions. How about this: focus despite distractions! Here are a few tips: -Have music in the background.  Music can tune out...

Good morning all, When you have a problem you feel you can't solve, think again.  Remember what Einstein said, "You can't solve a problem with the same mind that created it." Clear your mind and approach the problem from different perspectives.  Just get...

Good Morning all, It's so easy to complain about the world around us.  But it's just as easy to care and make our neighbourhood a better place. Doing simple things can make us a better guardian of the environment, dropping litter in the...

Good morning all,  Being vague can save time but when communication lacks clear information, it may lead to mistakes or vague results. Being vague with certain people can limit their interference in our life.  But they may take advantage of unclear expectations and...

Good morning, There are times when we feel lonely even when we're in a crowd.  At those times, make an extra effort to connect meaningfully with people. Sometimes, the feeling of loneliness comes from being disconnected from ourselves.  That's why it's important to...