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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Good afternoon all , Last minute shopping, family get-togethers, spending too much money, parties, and all the other holiday activities; it's a perfect recipe for stress! Release unrealistic expectations and take the pressure off. Have some days planned; catch up with friends,...

Good morning people, So I am once again sitting in Montego Bay airport , getting ready to head home. My trip has been amazing, jamaica is a beautiful island with friendly people , with a happy don't worry attitude. This little island...

Good morning people! A smiley person is one whose heart seems to radiate through their teeth. And when they smile, it's almost impossible not to smile back...

What's good people, When something goes wrong, it's all too easy to blame just about everybody & everything. But instead of playing the blame game, use your time & energy to fix the situation. Then figure out what went wrong &...

Hey y'all, What's good? If your thoughts were on sale, what would be their value? Penny for your thoughtsDefinitely not! Your thoughts are your most valuable currency. A So spend them wisely Would you spend money buying...

Hey peeps , What's up? Once again I am back in travel mode and heading to jamaica with my girlfriends, so we thought to break up the trip and stop off in Miami for a couple of days...

Good morning, What people want most from us is our undivided attention; that's why listening is such an important skill.  When we give partial attention to others, the result is misunderstandings, mistakes and hurt feelings. So the next time someone is talking to...

Good morning, Take a moment and think about your day yesterday: did you live from the heart? What you couldn't do yesterday, do today! Today, live from your heart.   Until da next Tyme...