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You don’t have to have lots of money to travel, if you know how to maximise your funds. Get more bang for your buck on your next trip with these money-saving travel tips. 1. Travel in low season Prices jump up considerably during the school holidays. And...

Beauty isn’t only in nature and art. It's everywhere; we just need to be more present, attentive and open-minded to see it. This week, observe how people around you bring beauty into their life. Find beauty in the mundane. Acknowledge your own beauty. See beauty in...

The summer is here in the UK, finally and if you are looking for a quick bite with some atmosphere in the City with easy access to travel...

Do you frequently complain to yourself? Complaining drains our energy and puts us in a negative mindset. Next time you’re complaining to yourself, try one of the following: 1) Shift from complaining to solving the issue. 2) Be less judgmental, more relaxed and accepting. 3) Let yourself complain for...

We know that a digital detox can benefit our well-being. But if disconnecting completely isn't possible or preferable for you, then get realistic and creative about what will work for you. Here are a few tips for a mini digital detox: - Cut out or cut down...

In moments of frustration, it’s easy to react. But rather than reacting, try to: pause first, respond second. Pause to release the frustration and then, you'll find it easier to be intentional, calm and kind in your response.   Until da next Tyme...

We wish others well. But do you do the same for yourself? Think good thoughts about yourself and wish yourself well. Have good wishes for yourself and it will fuel your day with a feel good factor, as well as support and empower you.   Until da next...

Do you believe practice makes perfect? How about striving for practice makes progress? Choose progress over perfection, and you can a) let go of the pressure to be perfect, b) give yourself room to stumble and make mistakes, and c) make small progress each day. This allows you to focus...

Hello all, If you have eclectic taste buds then a spicy Indian is always recommended. Your taste buds comes alive , depending on how fiery you wish to experience. This family-owned restaurant is a source for good food and different levels of fiery to suit all. There Dal is...