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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Everything about you speaks volumes to others. And everyone is going to have an opinion about you. Now, you can’t stop people having an opinion, but what you do with those opinions is entirely up to you! Are you going to be offended by people's opinion...

All the news that you watch, read, listen… how does it impact your wellbeing? While it’s important to stay informed about current affairs, it’s equally important not to get overwhelmed by it all. So, be more mindful of a) when you check the news and b)...

Everything around us can be extraordinary and meaningful, if we choose to see it that way.   Today, open your eyes and see beyond the ordinary. Find meaning in the meaningless, see the extraordinary in the ordinary and bring more depth to your day.   Until da next...

Noticed how enthusiastically most dogs greet? They’re bound to put a smile on your face.   Let's try and improve how we meet and greet people. Be more dog and greet with more smiles, more heart, more hugs, more nods.   Until da next tyme...

Are you just going through life or are you growing through life? If you feel like you’re just going through the routine of life, nothing probably seems exciting. Why not grow through what you go through? Grow through life, and you'll most likely find learning and...

There are times when you need to treat yourself. This week my treat was Burger & lobster. If you love lobster, then this is the place for you. However, there are other items on the menu which is just delicious. [gallery columns="4" ids="6798,6800,6799,6801"] I opted to have lunch...

Download the best budgeting apps for travellers to save money on your next trip. From splitting bills to reducing ATM fees, these nifty helpers will make your holiday budget go the extra mile. There’s nothing like heading off on an overseas adventure with friends or family....

Roles feel hollow and unfulfilling without a clear purpose, a clear understanding of why you do what you do. Know and understand your role and purpose, and it'll create a) a healthy self-concept, b) meaning in your life and c) a purposeful focus   Until da next tyme...

When completing a task, a project, sometimes it doesn't feel as satisfying, it feels exhausting! And even though it’s successfully completed, we keep spotting what's missing. Is being a perfectionist, being too self-critical, expecting too much from yourself draining your energy and happiness? The next time...