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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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How often do you find yourself doubting yourself and questioning your abilities and self-worth? If you’re tired of this long queue of questions, doubt your doubts. Ask yourself: Is this question helping me move forward? Is it really true? Can I try something different? Or...

When you can’t seem to quiet your noisy mind, try this meditation: Imagine yourself sitting on a beach…. Allowing the sound of the waves to wash over your noisy thoughts… Your thoughts begin to quieten down… Watching the calm ebb and flow of the waves, your...

Often we're tired because we're running marathons in our minds; thinking about things to do, what’s been done, what should have been done...

We're not going to agree on everything so there's going to be some disagreements. And it's so easy to rush from a disagreement to an argument. But, arguments rarely accomplish anything. The next time you find yourself rushing into an argument, take a deep breath and...

No matter how much you’ve achieved or accomplished, there’s always much more to explore! So have the courage to dream.  Have the courage to define your dream clearly, to go beyond any obstacles and reach for your dream, even when you can't see what lies...

We carry our past, present and future self with us wherever we go. Who we were in the past blends into who we have become and who we want to be in the future. This week, make the time to 1) forgive, accept and love every version...

Next time you find your thoughts speeding around, creating chaos, try this: a) Steer your thoughts away from worries, stress and problems. b) Park your thoughts near a quiet, calm space.   Relax and regain your energy and focus. And then, when you’re ready, steer your thoughts in...

As life happens, it's all too easy to lose touch with old friends. So, if you've been meaning to reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while, procrastinate no more. Today, contact an old friend. Send an email, a text or a card....

We use a highlighter to emphasise material we find important or interesting. We even use a highlighter as a beauty product to make our skin glow and accentuate our best features. How about doing the same in our minds and in our lives? Like a highlighter,...