Every day we travel from 'A' to 'B'.  When you go from one place to another, do you travel as if you're on a: - Journey: Persevere through the delays & enjoy the journey, even if it's not pleasant. - Voyage: Encounter each moment with curiosity &...

hey Everyone, So I have been meaning to visit Creams for a while, as that is all my friends can talk about...

Acceptance doesn't always come easily. Next time you're finding acceptance difficult try this: Imagine watching the colours of the sunset taking over your heart. As shades of red, purple and orange evolve in the sky, feel a soothing feeling of acceptance taking over your heart. Accept...

  Give others what you want from them. Whatever it is that you want from others, respect, care, help, forgiveness...

  Every day we tell ourselves stories about ourselves, the people around us, about what's happened and what’s going to happen.  These stories may start off as facts but, as we keep telling and retelling these stories to ourselves, they often become fiction.  And as we...

When you receive a message via email or text that triggers an emotional response in you, can you resist the urge to reply immediately? If we reply immediately, we’re likely to add to the misunderstanding or conflict. If you really need to get things out of...

When you’re wrong, can you willingly admit it? It takes guts, but when you admit you are wrong and apologise, "I am sorry, I was wrong", it shows that you are taking responsibility. Admit you are wrong and you also create a culture of openness, where...

Your mind is a canvas, your thoughts are the brushes and your feelings and moods are the colours. What will you create on the canvas of your mind? Just as you can paint your mind and create whatever you like, in the same way, the world...

Hello Everyone, So on a brief trip to Montego Bay, and whilst enjoying the amazing scenery that Jamaica has to offer on the coast, one of my friends suggested we stop here, as I have never heard of it before and  I was naturally intrigued. A simple place...