If you're a daily commuter or an occasional one, here's something you can add to your journey: commute with kindness. It will only add an extra minute to your journey time. Take a minute to send kind wishes, thoughts filled with positivity and well-being to all...

At any given point, there's nearly always a difficult person in our life. We don’t necessarily have to like them, but we can try to have good feelings towards them. Cultivate good feelings towards the difficult person by thinking of one of their good qualities, and...

Can you be happy on a budget? It’s not about missing out on things and experiences, or reducing your happiness. But it is about making smarter choices and increasing your financial wellbeing. This week, 1) clarify your financial goals, what you value most and what brings you...

No matter how dark a moment it is, choose to bring light. Light emanates from the core of our being. So, turn on your inner light and let your light radiate through your presence. Be the light and illuminate the moment and the world. Until da next...

When people don’t do what you want them to do, check if: a) you've clearly communicated what you expect, b) they have the skills and knowledge to do it, or c) you have different priorities. You can't make people do what you want them to do. But you can...

Want to make your team meetings more productive, more focused? Try this: Start your meetings with a moment of meditation. Take three long, slow, deep breaths and let go of any tension. Relax your legs, hips, back, shoulders, arms, neck and jaw, and become grounded...

When there’s adversity, do you say, "Why does everything always happen to me?" Do you ask yourself this same question when everything is going well for you? Is everything really going against you? Or is it just your perception? To get the most from life and...

If you don't know what you want in life, here's a great place to start: Identify what you don’t want. Know what you don’t want and then, think the opposite. This may help you 1) explore options and possibilities, and 2) bring you one step closer to discovering...

If you’re feeling a little tired and stressed after a busy weekend, this Monday morning, take a moment to: - Observe where your mind is - Release any stress and fatigue from the weekend - Let go of any pressure and anxieties about the week ahead - Feel relaxed...

Everything about you speaks volumes to others. And everyone is going to have an opinion about you. Now, you can’t stop people having an opinion, but what you do with those opinions is entirely up to you! Are you going to be offended by people's opinion...