We only see the tip of the iceberg. In fact, about 90 percent of an iceberg is below the surface. So, make that extra effort to look beyond what’s visible, look below the surface to understand the depth in everything and everyone around you. Until da next...

Ever thought about how to make your karma kinder? Well, it's not always as simple as doing good or having good intentions. You also have to think about the consequences of your actions and how your actions impact the bigger picture. Be more mindful of the...

When we are excited about an idea, we often forget the subtleties of how we present the idea. How we present the idea affects how it is received. Next time you’re excited about an idea, you may want to blend your excitement with a little bit...

Can you accommodate everyone in your heart? Can you accept everyone as they are? Will you set any boundaries, any conditions? Or will you expand your capacity? When we don’t accept others, we build walls. When we accommodate and accept others unconditionally, we create space for...

A lot of the time, we make decisions based on how we are feeling, and there's nothing wrong with feelings driving our decisions. But, some of our emotions can distort our thinking and perspective. To make better decisions, make decisions when you’re feeling your best. If...

Too many things to get done? Overthink and you'll end up feeling overwhelmed. And when you're feeling overwhelmed, not much gets done. Instead, think: 'I have the opportunity to do all these things,' and soon, you'll start to feel overjoyed. Be overjoyed, not overwhelmed, and you'll...

It's always someone else's fault, isn't it? But the next time you find yourself finding fault and blaming others: "Pick up the mirror, not the magnifying glass."   Instead of magnifying on someone else, pick up the mirror to look at yourself. Not to blame yourself...

Self-care; it isn't self-indulgence. It's about being self-aware of what's going on with your body, mind and emotions, and taking care of yourself. The more care you show yourself, the more you can care for the world around you. It’s that simple. So don't wait until...

Have you checked your brakes lately? Not for your car, but for your mind. If the brakes aren't working well, you may end up crashing your mind! So, regularly check the brake on your thoughts. Put a brake on the uninspiring, unnecessary thoughts and see where...

What do you want most this year? What virtue will help you get your goal? For example, if you want to exercise more, maybe the virtue of determination will help you achieve your goal. If you want to help others more, you can choose the...