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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Not everything on the to-do list is enjoyable but they still need to be done. Here are 4 ways to do things you don’t want to do: 1) Make it the first thing you do and get it out of the way. 2) Listen to something...

We tend to think of happiness as a commodity, as something that we have or don’t have. But actually, happiness is not a commodity, it's something that comes from within. Everyday go within to find inner happiness. Experience it and have the goal to be happy...

Trust life. Being trusting doesn’t mean not being careful. By all means, be careful and be sensible, just trust life a little bit more. Trust that life presents situations for you to grow and develop. Trust that life knows your potential for greatness. Trust that life...

Feeling Overwhelmed? Whilst overwhelm happens to the best of us, we don’t have to live in a state of overwhelm.   Challenge the belief that you are overwhelmed. Consider the possibility that maybe you feel overwhelmed because you think you are! And then, ask yourself, 'How...

What is an anagram of ‘listen’? ‘Silent’. Silence accentuates listening. Quiet the noise in your mind and you’ll listen better. Listen with a quiet mind and you'll hear the feelings behind the words.   Until da next Tyme...

My visit to The Electric Diner, nestled within the iconic Ned Hotel, was reminiscent of Diners back in the US with that perfectly blended retro charm with contemporary flair. With a unique decor – a nostalgic nod to classic diners with a modern twist. A quick spot...

We all need a pamper day. This is not only applicable  to women only, men this is your time too Whether you create this action whilst on holiday or whether you are at home.  Make this an experience. Popped into this beautiful day spa in Fira From entering you...

A little bit of self-consciousness is OK, isn't it? It keeps us on our toes and best behavior. But when we're overly self-conscious, we often miss out on opportunities or having a good time.   So loosen up and don't worry about making a fool of...

There is goodness in everything, our goal is to find it. In every person, the best is there, our job is to recognize it. In every situation, the positive is there, our opportunity is to see it.   Until d a next Tyme...