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20230919 1826552, Missy E

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Winning thoughts cultivate a positive mindset and better actions. Break through resistance, doubts or anything that interferes with the thought of excelling. And think better, think stronger, think winning thoughts for even the smallest tasks, and have fun.   Until da next Tyme...

When a thought keeps coming back again and again, persistently bothering you, don't resist it because whatever you resist persists. Instead, acknowledge the persistent thought and then let it be. Give the thought no energy or resistance, and it will slowly fade away. If the thought...

Are you neglecting your relationships? We don’t mean to, but neglect often happens when we take our relationships for granted or get caught up in the whirlwind of life.   Take an inventory of your personal and professional relationships and determine how to nurture and respect...

Food is fundamental to experiencing a new culture, making new friends and getting under the skin of a new place. If you’re a foodie, like me you’ll want to try just about everything – without worrying about blowing your budget. That’s where these foodie destinations...

When obstacles come your way, look beyond what's in the way to reconnect with your purpose. Look within to strengthen your faith in yourself. Look ahead to see the bigger picture. Look beyond, look within, and look ahead, and it may give you a clearer perspective...

Experiencing a mid-afternoon energy slump? Take a 10 to 15-minute walk; a slow stroll or a brisk one. Walk around the neighborhood, through green spaces, through your workplace, or up and down the stairs. Take a walk and it might boost your energy, clear your mind,...

When it comes to relationships, both personal and professional ones, are you good at knowing when to step in and when to step back? For relationships to grow and thrive, get better at knowing when to a) step in and get involved, support, help and guide,...

Our mind is like a garden, and what we plant grows. What’s growing in your garden?   If it’s negative thoughts, weed them out. If it’s limiting beliefs and attitudes, prune them away. Plant positive thoughts and cultivate your mind. Before you know it, your mind...

We all want our work, our efforts, and our contributions to be appreciated. But sometimes it all goes unnoticed and sometimes people don't really get what’s valuable about what we do. When this happens, are you able to carry on with your efforts?   Approach your...