It's always someone else's fault, isn't it? But the next time you find yourself finding fault and blaming others, "Pick up the Mirror, not the Magnifying Glass." Instead of magnifying on someone else, pick up the mirror to look at yourself. Not to blame yourself but...

It's a bit chilly, isn't it? If you're feeling cold, try this meditation to feel warmer. Imagine that you're sitting in a hot spring. Feel the warmth of the water soothe your muscles. Allowing your neck, shoulders, arms and back to loosen up, relaxing your legs, all...

Life is comfortable inside the comfort zone. But outside the comfort zone is where life is interesting. It's where some of the best things happen, experiences, growth, opportunities...

When we're going through the process of grief and loss, one of the things that may help us is writing a letter to the person we've lost. It may help us towards gaining acceptance and closure, and saying goodbye. Write a line or two, a page...

Are you efficient or effective?  Do you think one is more important than the other? Being efficient is doing things right and being effective is doing the right things.  Often when we're being efficient, we're doing things better and faster, and as a result, we may...

You spend time with people you love, right?  Well, who do you love the most?  The right answer is, you.  So, do you spend quality time with yourself? Well, how about going on a ‘Me Date’.  You can go to a movie, eat at your favourite...

Don’t you just love being in control?  But don't you find that the more you try to control everything, the more stressed and out of control you feel? How about, trying to curb the urge to control?  Do as much as you can to make things...

Do you have the art of picking things up without being noticed? Do you notice and pick up: - opportunities that others don't see or are too busy to notice - talents, skills and qualities in people around you - new phrases or ways of seeing, when you've...

Are YOU on your priority list? If so, where do you put yourself on that list? If you can't put yourself at the top of the list, then put yourself somewhere near the top. Make yourself a priority and it'll become easier to a) say no...